YouTube Videos

I have constantly done videos on Indian Astrology to spread knowledge on this Ancient Science that has been passed down to us by our Indian Sages. Please do watch and help to share. Do also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you!

Hi Everyone, in this video I have explained on how do we analyze a birth chart to identify what kind of careers will suit a native and on planets and their careers associated with them. Do watch and help to subscribe and share the videos.

In this video (Tamil), I have explained on the approach to wearing the gemstones (Navaratnas) according to Vedic Astrology. Gems has been prescribed by some based on their Janma Raashis and Nakshatras which is a wrong approach. Gems should be donned according to the Lagnas and only Lagna Benefics should be worn. I have prescribed one Gem for each lagna and I have taken into consideration the following factors. a. Rulers of 3,6 11 are Lagna Enemies b. 6,8, 12 Dustanas c. Kendrathipathy Dosha d. 1,5,9 (Trikonas)(Auspicious) & 1,4,7,10 (Kendras & Auspiciousness) e. Lagna Lord’s Friend

I hope this video aids and people wear Gems correctly and it helps them gain fortune and good luck.

The concept of Ayanamsha is extremely important in Vedic Astrology and forms the basis for the difference beween Western & Indian Astrology. In this video, I have explained the concept of Ayanamsha.

Hi Viewers, in this video I have explained about Jupiter’s Transit Results for each individual Raasis and its appropriate remedies for the year Nov 2020 to Nov 2021. Take note the results are based on Jupiter’s transit from one’s moon sign and the horoscope should be read in entirety before making finalized predictions. Do also take note that usually the Jupiter’s results will be felt 1 or 2 months in advance to the transit. So for some, the results explained would have been experienced in Sep or Oct 2020 itself. Thank you and God Bless All.

This video explains the significant difference between India’s and (Singapore Malaysia’s) Auspicious & Inauspicious times. Due to the avg Sunrise and Sunset Timings, which differs for India &(Singapore Malaysia) we have these differences in Auspicious and Inauspicious periods.

Hi Friends and Family, this Astrology Video is mainly for Singaporeans. This post is about Srartha Thithi. Srartha Thithis are prayers we carry out for our deceased family memebers. Those Monthly thithis, yearly thevasams or thithi prayers are known as Srartha Thithi. On many occasions, I have seen people carrying out this thithi prayers on the wrong date in Singapore. Reason is, the temple Priests refer to Tamil Naadu Panchangs to decide these dates. Always refer to Singapore/Malaysia panchangs when deciding thithi dates in Singapore. There is a reason and I have explained it in this video. Please help to share and lets together create an awareness in Singapore. God Bless. Thank you!